How much difference in
quality do you find in each of
the phases of
software development? In analysis, design, implementation,
debugging, and maintenance? Some say a difference of ten to one in each
phase is not unusual. As each phase influences the next, the effects
Small wonder over 70% of the industry's projects never
completion! American programmers discard over 20% of their code before
use, and almost all of it after use on a single product.
I believe we can do better!
With odds like those, you want a person with professional consulting
experience in all the phases of software development. A person who
understands the cascading effect of one phase upon the next.
I bring the rich perspective of experience ranging all
the way from Analysis to Maintenance Enhancements, from resource rich
mainframe computers to byte tight microcomputers with under a hundred bytes
of RAM, from the nitty gritty of Assembler language to the generality of
multi-platform UNIX shell scripting.
It is this rich perspective which
has enabled me to perform the unexpected:
Condensed a 140,000 line project to
under 4,000 lines for
Replaced half a year's work with two weeks of
effort for
Clara County
Automated software Q/A code generation, reducing
labor needs over 4700% for
Invented a hypertext browser in 1982,
long before Hypercard or The Web!