by Oscar Falconi
ISBN 0-9600392-1-X
As the years pass, it has become more and more apparent
that intelligent life on this earth has very little time remaining,
and that we're about to experience a terrifying, unpreventable
No, this conclusion isn't reached by religious
Armageddon-type considerations. Not at all. All life on earth is
threatened by political and environmental problems that are quickly
coming to a climax: World War III, nuclear wastes, atmospheric
pollution, and many more, each by itself able to put an end to man.
This book frankly examines these many causes of our
destruction and gives incisive and logical arguments that will
convince the reader that the colonization of space must be our
generation's very first priority and must be undertaken immediately
in order to save our fine civilization and to preserve our culture.
The fact that the colonization of space is the only way to save
our civilization is an important concept. In this book it is shown
that mankind is very possibly alone in the universe. We therefore
have an enormous responsibility to prevent our destruction. This
can only be done by colonizing space with self-sufficient backup
civilizations, a task we are presently quite capable of
accomplishing, both technically and financially, within the next
25 years.
"It's a glorious privilege to live,
to behold, to know, to love. To
look up at the blue summer sky,
to see the sun sink slowly beyond
the horizon, to watch the worlds
come twinkling into view. And
you and I are here.
- Anon
" Mankind will be wiped out in
two or three decades, not more."
March 4, 1975
Prof Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Nobel Laureate
What expenditure should have first priority in American
budgetary considerations? Defense? Pollution? Education?
Inflation? Unemployment? Crime? Welfare? Integration?
Bussing? Bureaucratic over-regulation?
What we present here is felt to be an extremely convincing
argument for an adventure in space that a billion years from
now might well be considered by far the best investment ever
made at any time by any society.
The adventure is the colonization of space. The argument
is that man may soon destroy himself on earth before he can
set up a backup civilization elsewhere.
Now man may or may not be the only life in the universe
capable of abstract thought, but we surely must agree that
much would be lost if man's existence were to cease right
now. Trillions of trillions of potentially happy and productive
man-years would never come to pass. We are obligated to do
all we can, now, to protect this future!
In the last generation or two, man has clearly reached some
sort of milestone or turning point. The present is unprecedented,
and so the future is completely unpredictable. For the
first time in man's history, many things seem to be doubling
every decade or two, such as population, research, energy
usage, pollution, nuclear capability, total knowledge, and more.
In addition, man has achieved the ability to destroy himself
and all his future generations. The probability of man's self-
destruction is clearly increasing at a rate much greater than,
for instance, population growth. An in-depth study could well
uncover some alarming statistics here. It behooves us to
immediately begin work toward getting a self-sufficient colony
away from earth. We just may be the only life in the universe
with the foresight to have "moved out" before it destroyed
So, should America go all-out for space colonization?
What follows can only touch the surface of this question.
The points that are made, however, are felt to be convincing
enough to warrant immediate and forceful action.
Many of the ideas in this book are very new and very
important. Read them with a receptive mind and criticize
them fairly and logically, remembering all the while the
importance of what's at stake.
"What can happen, will happen."
- Anon
Unfortunately, mankind reproduces itself in series. One
generation begets the next. When one generation ceases to exist
all future generations are lost. In the past, the human race was
well dispersed, with little possibility for self-destruction. There
was no reason to think that the existent generation might be the
last. But times have changed. With weaponry and research
advancing furiously, it could well be that our chance for
self-destruction is doubling every year or two.
Carl Sagan, in a recent episode of his very fine TV series,
"Cosmos", has reasoned that the chance of human life continuing
to exist on earth is less than 1% per century. This is equivalent
to less than a 50-50 chance of lasting the next 15 years! As it
stands now, it appears that most Americans (half are less than
30) will die a violent death. When the odds against us are bad,
and rapidly getting worse, it's time to search for a solution.
But it's impossible to solve the problem of preventing, with
100% certainty, our self-destruction here on earth. This problem
is just too complicated, and asks too much of man - such as
restraint, understanding, objectivity, intelligence, compromise,
and common sense - characteristics which are necessary for
future survival, but seldom met with in practice, particularly
in politics. We are now left in the ludicrous position of hoping
we'll survive through each year.
But the hope that no unforeseen catastrophe will destroy man
is a flimsy basis on which to assume that our species will enjoy
its maximum possible time in this universe. If you want insurance,
you've got to pay the premium. And the premium is due now. The
only known life in the universe exists on earth, and, for a
surprisingly large number of reasons, could soon find itself
Man is particularly susceptible to such a tragedy compared
to the crustaceans, amphibians, insects, and the countless
other hardy families. Only his superior brain has enabled him
to successfully compete despite a relatively fragile constitution.
Should we succeed in our self-destruction, it's doubtful
that nature could once again turn the trick of creating another
highly advanced being out of any primitive life remaining on
By whatever philosophical standards one bases his thinking,
one must conclude that life is better than no life at all. Man's
first thought must be to preserve the human race at all costs.
It must not be allowed to come to an end, and specifically, it
mustn't be allowed to destroy itself.
In the far distant future, it appears that man will be doomed
by the lack of available energy (the 2nd law). This may not
come about for 100's of billions of years. Before that, a
collapsing universe may put an end to all life. And before that,
our sun will become a red giant, probably ending all life in our
solar system. But even that won't come about for several
billions of years. Whether these problems can be solved isn't
known, but man has plenty of time to think about them.
More imminent, not in billions of years, but maybe in
just a fraction of a decade, is the end of all life on earth that
man himself has the capability to bring about!
Now, let's look at just some of the ways that man can
destroy himself....
We should interpret these historical facts as an ominous
warning of man's vulnerability to forces beyond his
comprehension and well beyond his control.
Less than a thousandth of an ounce of a certain bacterial
toxin is enough to kill the entire human population. Bacteria,
their toxins, and other substances that are even more deadly,
very probably exist in many of the chemical, bacteriological,
biological, and germ warfare laboratories of the world.
Important questions are: Can these substances kill ALL human
life? How secure are they from theft or leakage? Can they be
controlled if used?
In 1974, at the now-famous Asilomar meeting, a group of
140 leading genetic researchers discussed the hazards of
genetic manipulation, set guidelines, and pledged themselves to
restrict certain aspects of their work in order to protect
mankind from the potentially disastrous consequences of what
modern science can create in a test tube. These scientists
realized that they could produce a deadly virus or strain of
bacteria against which there was no protection.
From France: "The threat of disseminating new infectious
germs that have never existed in nature could provoke
uncontrollable epidemics." And from the U.S. National Acadamy of
Sciences: "Man has always been vulnerable to mass hazards,
such as plagues and earthquakes, but he now has the capability
of creating his own monumental disasters in a way never before
But is a moratorium on experimentation in genetic
manipulation the answer? Can one really believe that Russian,
Israeli, or Chinese researchers will abide by such an agreement?
Can you picture a German or Indian scientist, on the verge of a
spectacular breakthrough, stopping his research? Of course
not! He'll merely postpone publication. The final result of any
such agreement is that the United States will have unilaterally
disarmed itself in the field of genetic manipulation.
What's more, American scientists will no longer be in the
position to lead an orderly, safe, development of the field.
Advances will now be taking place clandestinely in backroom
labs worldwide. Most scientists have the best intentions, but
when God, country, or career enter the scene, nearsightedness
can prevail.
In just the 4 years since the previous edition of this book,
the progress made in genetic engineering and gene-splicing
technology has been absolutely startling. The "miracle" of
the creation, by man, of primitive life from mere inorganic
chemicals is just around the corner. Also possible is the total
destruction of intelligent life by some means that could never
be predicted - and only understood in hindsight.
So we have ourselves a dilemma: On the one hand we must
carry on genetic research, and on the other hand we must stop.
How do we resolve this situation? The only answer seems to
be that we allow genetic research to continue, as it would
anyway, but that we take immediate steps to construct a
backup colony away from earth in the event the genetic
experiments get out of control.
Another illustration, closer to home, of how disaster might
strike an intelligent and well-meaning civilization: much has
been made of how vaccines could permanently eliminate
German measles, polio, mumps, and many other maladies.
By merely vaccinating all our babies and children, the United
States might be entirely free of these problems and several
hundred young lives would be saved per year. Aside from the
economics and wisdom of each year subjecting millions of
children to many millions of injections, with consequent
errors, side effects, and deaths, just to save several hundred
of the more frail children, we must consider the possibility
of inflicting the whole American and world population with
massive, permanent, genetic damage. Remember that German
measles is notorious for causing defective offspring. Likewise,
the Salk polio vaccine has been suspected of causing chromosome
damage. And mumps often troubles the reproductive organs of
both sexes.
It's quite clear that any promising new vaccines should be
tried on only a very limited number of humans, and for at least
several generations, before subjecting our entire population to a
genetically unproven vaccine. Measles, for instance, is peculiar
to humans and therefore a measles vaccine cannot be exonerated
by animal tests. Incidentally, thalidomide was animal tested -
and passed!
Today, vaccines can be used in the prevention of 18 diseases.
The vaccines used to prevent measles, mumps, and rubella
(German measles) have been developed only in the past
several years, and the polio vaccine just a few years earlier.
And yet the U.S. Public Health Department recommends that ALL
children have their polio and rubella shots when they're just
one year old. The mumps shot is recommended for children
approaching puberty! Already over 80% of all Americans
between 1 and 20 have had 3 or more polio shots. God help us
if we've overlooked some effect. We should be finding out in
a few years - BUT only if the effect is dominant.
It should be noted that thalidomide was caught quickly only
because of its effect on the 1st generation. The mutation was
dominant and HAD to appear in the 1st generation. If the mutation
was recessive, the effects could not have been detected
until the 2nd generation, by which time a tragic, and possibly
fatal, blow may have been inflicted to our gene-pool.
If we continue to indiscriminately subject the whole population
to every promising advance, be it vaccine, food additive, drug,
etc., then the chances are not negligible that in some
decade in the near future the U.S. or world population will be
decimated or destroyed.
"Many voice the view that the Salk vaccine has been directly
responsible for the major increase of leukemia in this country.
The 'theory' that this vaccine had any value should be put to rest."
Dr Frederick R Klenner (1974)
Acclaimed pioneer in medical research
After all, this is only the 20th century. In our supreme
ignorance compared to the 21st, or the 31st century, we recklessly
choose to play with fire. Hundreds of young lives a year,
for instance, lost to polio, rubella, or whatever, isn't a high
price to pay for protecting trillions of unborn Americans. A
few generations of human testing for each new advance is
probably all that's required to prevent a catastrophe.
But since it doesn't appear that the government, or the medical
profession, or the drug industry, will ever be convinced of the
above arguments, humanity's only protection is a space colony.
There's an urgent need for an isolated backup civilization.
But earth's atmosphere is now being strongly modified by
man and the risk of some runaway effect is not negligible. For
the past half dozen years there has been a change in the global
weather patterns. Tragically for us, they're changing in a highly
unpredictable way. Is this the onset of a runaway situation?
Our air now contains 15% more carbon dioxide than it did 100
years ago. There hasn't been that much CO2 in our atmosphere
for about 800 million years. Dr WL Gates, Director of the
Climatic Research Institute, states: "If atmospheric CO2
increases at its present rate, global warming may amount to a
climatic catastrophe in the 21st Century."
Simple pollution will never kill off mankind. As the pollution
level becomes lethal, the population decreases, and so does
the pollution. A population-pollution equilibrium is thus
established. However, we know very little about the complicated,
non-linear interplay between the various pollutants and the
environment. Increasing the concentration of some pollutant
over and above an unknown threshold level might start a runaway
reaction that quickly increases some lethal factor's level until all
human life on earth is dead. We just don't know!
For instance, though he often tends toward abrasive
exaggeration and incitement, Dr Paul Ehrlich may be right when
he says that the SST (Supersonic Transport) may have ended
all life on earth had the U.S. gone ahead with it. Exaggeration
and incitement have been avoided in this discourse, but, in
fairness to Dr Ehrlich, they might be justified in order to
shock America and the world to the dangers around us.
We could well be in the midst of a different runaway situation
where the ecological equilibrium of our oceans is flipping
from one stable condition to another very different stable
condition. The great concern is that the new equilibrium mode,
of man's doing, may not include man. Senator Ernest F Hollings
and Jacques Cousteau agree that mankind could perish
merely from ocean pollution due to industrial wastes and
human sewage. Cousteau feels that this could come about in
30 to 50 years. Margaret Meade gives man 25 years!
Of course, from time to time, for 1000's of years, persons
have been predicting the end of man for one reason or another.
But as mentioned before, the present is unprecedented. For
the first time we can speak from a position of some intelligence,
with convincing arguments. Cousteau has conveyed great
"distress and concern at what is happening to our oceans,
our planet, and ourselves." He pleads: "I beg you not to
dismiss this as science fiction. The oceans can die, these
horrors can happen. And there will be no place to hide.
"Civilization will end within 15 to 30 years unless
immediate action is taken against problems now facing
mankind, especially pollution . . . "
Dr George Wald c. 1970
Nobel Laureate
Of course we have no way of knowing the unpredictable
dangers we're living with today, but here are some
"improvements" that predictably might do us all in:
Aerosols - By the innocent but widespread use of aerosol
sprays, we are introducing into the atmosphere fluorocarbon
gases that find their way to the upper stratosphere and eventu-
ally disrupt the production of ozone by the sun's rays. This
ozone is vital in the protection of all life from deadly ultraviolet
and X-rays. It's estimated that, if we continue to use
these sprays, the amount of ozone will decrease by 30% by
1990, causing catastrophic changes in the balance of nature
with the possible demise of man.
This is all speculation based on theory, but a recent report
by a federal task force confirms the need for concern. In
addition, balloon experiments have verified "to an astounding
degree" the theoretical calculations.
That the billions of years of biological development,
resulting in modern man, could all be for naught, merely
because of a fluorocarbon aerosol spray, is a sobering thought.
Food Additives - There are hundreds of new, little-tested,
additives in our American foods (France allows just 6).
Chemicals such as preservatives, artificial colors and flavors,
discoloration inhibitors, tenderizers, and sweeteners, can be
potentially dangerous to the whole population. The average
American is, with the FDA's blessing, eating over 5 pounds
of additives every year. Long term genetic effects are of
course unknown.
MSG (monosodium glutamate) might be considered safe
after 5000 years of use in China, but even this chemical was
questioned recently because of the vast use now made of this
flavoring agent. And who's to say that no genetic damage can
occur when a generation of children have been gulping down
Kool-Aid, the powdered form of which contained 28% pure
cyclamates, a suspected killer.
Fluoridation - Mass fluoridation of our water is much like
mass vaccination of children. We don't know what the long
term effects will be. One 20-year study discovered that
cancer affecting the gastrointestinal, urinary, and female
organs is 15% higher in fluoridated cities than in
non-fluoridated ones, for a total of 500,000 additional deaths
over the 20 year period. Over 90 million Americans now drink
artificially fluoridated water, which seems risky considering what
little we know, much of which is bad. If cancer is the only
problem, we should consider ourselves very lucky.
Nuclear Reactors - The furious proliferation of nuclear
power plants is of greatest concern to most people because of
the thousands or millions of casualties resulting from a leak
of radioactive material or from the reactor going past
"critical". But just a million lives is of no importance to us
here. We are concerned only with any effect that will
exterminate all of mankind.
For instance, from Prof James D Watson, Nobel Laureate,
we have: "Only the tiniest traces of plutonium are needed to
induce cancer, and, if its use becomes widespread, accidental
or deliberate catastrophies may cause wide regions of our
earth to become uninhabitable for 1000's of generations."
Here we are just a miscalculation, a misconception, or a
misdeed away from finding our whole planet to be uninhabitable.
Another example: Krypton-85, a reactor by-product, is
being produced and released into the atmosphere in such
quantities that inadvertent weather changes are predicted
within several decades.
"Our present understanding of atmospheric processes is
insufficient to determine the extent of consequent weather
changes . . . It is likely that Krypton-85 will accumulate in
the atmosphere faster than our knowledge of related
phenomena accumulates."
W.L. Boeck, Prof of Physics
Niagara University, N.Y.
Of equal concern is the problem of the nuclear waste. This
also can be fatal to all human life, and is discussed later.
Television - Nearly every child and young adult in the
world, especially in the U.S., spends a good part of his
prechildbearing years in front of a television set absorbing
"soft" X-rays emanating from the high voltage circuitry.
The "recommendation" is that if one remains more than
6 feet from the set, then the chances of a mutation are
"negligible". This is just another case where the whole
population is simultaneously exposed to a new variable, capable
of vast long term damage, whose effects have never been
adequately tested considering what's at stake.
And just how many extremely subtle, innocent, activities
are unknowingly and unpredictably leading us to a tragic
premature end? We of course can never hope to predict,
or even detect, every eventuality in time. A backup
colony in near space appears to be the only solution.
". . . I'm glad I'm not a young man and I'm sorry for
my grandchildren."
David E Lilienthal - Jan 1976
First Chairman of the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission
** Worldwide lead pollution over the centuries is indicated by
the concentration of lead in different levels of polar ice. Since
industrialization began, about 200 years ago, the lead content
of polar ice has increased by a factor of 400!! The World Health
Organization warns that the average human lead intake is
already 70% of the "provisional tolerable intake". Recent work
has found, however, that WHO's safety level should have been
set much lower, meaning we're ALL now absorbing intolerable
amounts of lead. As Rome fell, so falls mankind?
We are now performing experiments wherein the value of
certain parameters are seldom surpassed in the entire universe.
For example, by means of the laser, recent techniques have
produced magnetic and electric fields, energy densities,
and temperatures that are found only at the center of our sun.
Within decades we'll greatly surpass nature itself in many
domains. Are we absolutely sure that some obscure physical
effect won't chain react the earth right out of existence?
A further example - the race for the biggest high-energy
particle accelerator could easily be the mechanism by which
all life on earth is ended. After all, even back during World
War II, farsighted people in the Manhattan Project made a cursory
examination into the possibility that the 1st atomic bomb at
Alamagordo might set off a chain reaction in the atmosphere.
Such studies probably aren't being made today. The rush to
publish and the need to cut corners, time-wise and money-wise,
are the reasons.
1000 Gev particles from the Batavia Accelerator, and laser
powers to trillions of watts, could initiate some catastrophe
that man could never have hoped to predict. And of course,
larger and more powerful devices are being planned.
A form of bacteria has actually been found to live and
reproduce in an operating swimming pool reactor. In addition,
research has shown that several chemicals and vitamins
increase the human body's ability to withstand the effects of
nuclear radiation. Progress has been made in this field of
radiation resistance and treatment on both sides of the Iron
Now let's suppose the Russians make a great research
breakthrough and discover how to enable their citizens to
take 10 times the total radiation that the rest of the world's
population can take. Would they precipitate a nuclear war?
They would certainly consider it. What would they have done
in 1945-7 if they had the atomic bomb and we didn't? And
suppose they miscalculated and accidentally killed everybody
off - or brought about some unpreclicted environmental
runaway event that had the same effect? Not probable, but
possible, and so another reason for a space colony.
" . . . science seems ready to confer upon us, as its
final gift, the power to erase human life from this planet."
Dwight D Eisenhower
Inaugural Address - 1953
But unquestionably there will be wars, there will be
nuclear wars. International Communism versus "Imperialistic"
Capitalism has been the cause of an enormous buildup
of increasingly sophisticated nuclear weapons in Russia and
the United States. And now several other countries have joined
the buildup for whatever reasons they've found to justify
nuclear capability. So will there be war ?
Five panelists at a 1975 Harvard-MIT Arms Control
Seminar said they believed nuclear war in some form will
erupt before 1999, originating most probably with a small
nation in the Near East, Middle East, or Africa.
The 3rd World nations, by the very fact they are backward,
don't have the manpower, the finances, or the competence to
properly care for their sophisticated nuclear weapons. Compared
to the superpowers, 3rd World nuclear devices won't be
as properly guarded, maintained, transported, or even deployed.
Their leaders, from small, predominantly unqualified populations,
chosen by so-so methods, advised by similarly deprived
subordinates, and lacking such decision-aids as good communications
and intelligence, may well drop nuclear devices on the
basis of emotion, immaturity, or incorrect or badly translated
information. And when one considers that there will be many
more 3rd World nations joining the "club", each trying to outdo
a neighbor, it becomes almost obvious that a nuclear war will
be upon us well before 1999.
We are all well aware of the nuclear confrontation during
the Cuban Missile crisis. If the two most advanced, and
presumably most mature, of the world's countries can almost
have a nuclear war, it's clear that several of the smaller
countries will in time, probably soon, have their own nuclear
war. We can only hope that the war will be a very limited one,
and that it won't trigger some atmospheric or runaway event. But
recent studies indicate that the nitrogen oxides released into
the stratosphere by even a "limited" nuclear war can affect
the ozone concentration to the extent that our earth's ecological
balance would be so completely altered that all life could
cease to exist.
The West is now facing a major dilemma: despite a highly
developed technology and an advanced standard of living, it
appears highly probable that much of our highly prized and
hard-to-come-by financial and tangible assets will gravitate to
Arab control in the next decade or two. The present thinking
is that this cannot be allowed to take place, and we increasingly
hear talk of a forceful takeover of Arab oil by Western
countries. Ridiculous? Maybe so, and maybe not. The dreaded
nuclear war could easily result from problems in the Near
East, particularly as it's now conceded that Israel already has
nuclear weapons in its arsenal. It would be hard to believe
otherwise as the fathers of the atomic, hydrogen, and neutron
bombs (Oppenheimer, Teller, and Cohen) are all Jewish, and a
surprising percentage of highly-placed Jewish scientists have
been involved with nuclear development, both in the West and
in Russia. Even Fermi was half Jewish. And of course, Jewish
nuclear spies are not unheard of. Israel is well known to have
one of the world's best intelligence gathering networks.
Israel clearly has the technical know-how and the financial
capability for possessing and delivering a nuclear device, and
what's worse, the opportunity and desperation to use it. They'd
use it if pressed. This is not to cast aspersions on the Jewish
people. They're exceedingly intelligent. However, they're
also extremely nationalistic and motivated, and in the
exuberance of solving their own problems might take steps
that are not entirely in the best interests of the human race.
But the first bomb to fall wouldn't necessarily be an
Israeli one. It'd indeed be naive to assume that the Arabs
aren't going all out to develop a nuclear capability with their
gigantic monetary windfall. (just in 1976 alone, the Arabs
purchased $8 billion worth of prime U.S. farm land, 4 times
the cost to develop our nuclear capability from scratch in
the 1940s.) With the help of the right German or the right
Judas, the Arabs soon will join the nuclear club. When this
happens, we can fully expect that they will attempt the
fullfillment of their oft-announced intention of "returning" to
Israel. This is no idle statement. The Arab's intense hatred of the
Jews can only be felt by a first-hand extended visit. The Arab
bomb would be used even if only a fair chance of success was
predicted. And Israel would surely drop theirs first if their
intelligence discovered that the Arabs were contemplating a
first strike.
Almost certainly, if the Arabs and Israelis can have a
nuclear war, they will. Clearly, if we invoke this "Semitic
Murphy's Law", we have much to fear and should expect the
worst. The next Arab-Israeli war could take the rest of the
world with it into oblivion. Perhaps a Western takeover of the
Arab countries would solve more than the oil problem.
The recent series of crises in the Near East is just one
line on our long list of possible catastrophes, any one of which
might bring on the end. True, any single event may be improbable,
but so is a hole-in-one or a royal flush. However, if lots of
people play games for long enough, the improbable will happen
sooner or later.
So the Arabs don't drop bombs on Israel. Maybe the Indians
will drop some on Pakistan. Or the Chinese will drop some
on Russia. Or Russia on the States. If it CAN happen, WILL it?
". . . a nuclear war by the end of the century is a
distinct possibility."
U.S. News and World Report - Mar 3, 1975
But if the superpowers have a war, a last rite for mankind
is in order. The quantity of weapons involved is staggering.
Take for instance just one weapon - the Trident:
The United States Navy is presently working furiously on
10 Trident submarines. Each submarine will contain 24
missiles. Each missile will contain 17 independently targeted
warheads. each warhead is capable of destroying a city, for
a grand total of 4080 cities. 4080!!
What with the Communist threat, these subs can be a
valuable weapon, and in fact could actually be a great deterrent.
However it's clear that, in the light of what we've been
discussing, they could, by themselves, spell the end of life
on earth.
We have that same dilemma: We must provide for our
defense, but in so doing we bring man closer to his extinction.
And so, the same answer: The perceptive few must alert the
slumbering many to the necessity of a self-sufficient colony
in space.
"There is no defense in science against the weapons
which can now destroy civilization."
Albert Einstein - c. 1950
2. Mass Vaccination - of populations with vaccines that
were insufficiently researched and tested, or improperly prepared,
either accidentally or deliberately. Mass sterility,
death, or genetic destruction, now or later, could result.
3. Ecological "Flip" - The establishment of a very different,
but stable, environmental equilibrium by man's exceeding
an unknown pollution threshold level.
a. Atmospheric pollution, affecting earth's thermal
balance, from auto, industry, or SST effluents.
b. Atmospheric pollution, affecting the ozone layer,
from aerosol sprays, SST's, and nitrogen oxides from a
limited nuclear war.
c. Ocean pollution, from industrial wastes and human
sewage. The manner of man's demise, soon, by important
d. Weather (or climate) manipulation, but with no
knowledge of short and long term effects, or threshold
levels. The effect of reactor effluent Krypton-85.
4. World War III - Third World nuclear capability plus
irresponsible, impulsive, actions of incompetents, or a great
nuclear holocaust due to large quantities of superweapons: B-52's,
B-l's, Minuteman III, Polaris, Trident, etc. , and their Russian
counterparts, resulting in man's extinction due to excessive
worldwide radiation level or by inducing an ecological flip.
5. Chemical, Bacteriological, Biological, or Germ Warfare,
resulting in uncontrolled epidemics, long term genetic effects,
or an ecological flip, eliminating human life.
6. Nuclear Reactors - The present controversy centers
around major accidents, leakage, transport of fuel and waste,
sabotage, release of extremely carcinogenic plutonium, waste
disposal, theft of fuel or waste by individuals or terrorist
7. Advanced Experimentation - Furious competition in all
fields of research, possibly initiating some catastrophe which
man had no reasonable possibility of predicting. Modern lasers,
particle accelerators, etc., are creating effects unknown in the
universe until now. Also, a research breakthrough could tempt
a country to undertake world conquest, accidentally ending all
human life.
8. Short or Long-Term Genetic Effects - due to:
a. Irresponsible mass vaccination or fluoridation.
b. Mass ingestion of vast quantities of large numbers
of untested food additives.
c. Massive irradiation from television sets, medical
X-rays, and industry.
d. Accidental or deliberate leakage from many nuclear
reactors now extant or planned.
e. Deterioration, leakage, theft, or sabotage of
underground or underwater radioactive waste disposal sites.
Above have been listed many different ways in which man
can be wiped out. Further study should uncover many, many
more. And surely no amount of study will be able to ferret out
the vast number of very subtle, and thus very unpredictable
ways of ending our fragile human existence. We should marvel
at how the aerosol problem was predicted before there was any
indication of a problem. Many thanks are due chemists
Molina and Rowland, for they just may have given mankind
a few more important years on Earth.
Examining the above list, both known and unknown, one
must be impressed with its quantity, variety, and subtlety.
Hopefully these deleterious effects will only add, and not
multiply. We might allay our fears by applying some sort
of "Environmental Superposition Theorem" and thus justify
addition instead of multiplication, but again, we just don't
In our ignorance we should take urgent steps to protect man's
future and proceed with the colonization of space immediately.
So, that is what may be at stake. If it were possible to
know, it's certain that every yet-unborn person would appeal to
us that we must, at all costs, assure his existence by immediately
taking steps to prevent our self-destruction.
Life on earth will certainly cease to exist some day, but
can we predict how soon? Unfortunately, every science
(except mathematics) is based upon laboratory and field
observations of the world as it's handed to us. The
experimentalists are usually far ahead of the theorists who spend
the great majority of their time trying to explain what has
been observed. It's clear, since we're almost always one step
behind in our understanding of the facts, that no advance warning
of our imminent demise can be expected from the theorists.
Since our scientists can't enlighten us, what about our
politicians? Can they somehow control the geometrically increasing
indicators (population, energy, etc.) and peacefully level
them out to a stable plateau? Or will there be some sort of
earthly "big bang"? One might only predict from the manner in
which world leaders have solved their problems in the past,
and by judging the caliber of our leadership in the world today.
It may be that the only way we can have of predicting the
time by which we should set up our colony is to look at the
curves that depict these geometrically increasing indicators
of impending disaster. These rates of increase surely cannot
be maintained for many years - and so we must get on with the
construction of space colonies - Now!
For many present-day decision makers, the argument that
immediate space colonization may save 10-to-the-60th man-years in
the future may not be as persuasive as an argument that space
colonization can solve problems of the moment and that taxpayers
and constituents will be benefitted now or in the near
future. Well, space colonization CAN solve other problems
here on Earth, and can actually save a far greater amount of
money than the amount required for this project.
For example, take the problem we have with radioactive
waste disposal. For the next 50 years or so, until fusion
reactors are phased in, man will be accumulating fearsome
amounts of radioactive waste products. If by some engineering
miscalculation, or by some premeditated sabotage, his method
of storage were to fail, the accumulated radioactive waste of
decades would be released, and man's continued existence on
earth would be jeopardized. Agreed, the chance of this taking
place is very small, but with no backup colonies away from earth,
any chance at all is too much. (Note that many of the steel and
cement canisters, designed to last decades, are already leaking.)
The point to be emphasized here is that to outlaw fission reactors,
or to find another method of waste disposal that is 100.00% reliable,
would ultimately cost the society more money and resources than it'd
take to set up a colony. With backup colonies elsewhere, we can
still use fission reactors and take chances with present (but still
very highly reliable) methods of waste disposal.
The above discussion attempts to impart the notion that parallel
civilizations can progress more efficiently and quickly and
less expensively when it isn't necessary for each civilization to
plan for a certain existence forever. Shortcuts can be taken by
one colony for faster progress, secure in the knowledge that in
the event of a catastrophic miscalculation or misdeed that other
sister civilizations would carry on.
The radioactive waste disposal illustration of course also
applies to the SST, genetic research, mass vaccinations, etc.
The overriding concern is that mankind is presently in the
unfavorable position of taking shortcuts, yet not having parallel
backup civilizations to carry on, thus almost insuring the death
of the human race in the next 10 or 100 years.
But even the above argument may not satisfy a politician's
requirement for a clear saving of taxpayer dollars in the near
future. In a few pages we'll discuss how "O'Neill Space Colonies"
will not only pay for themselves, but also solve the energy
problem. An exciting development, coming in the nick of time.
Another theory has it that the number of advanced civilizations
in the universe (not just our galaxy) about equals the
average life of an advanced civilization (in years) before
self-destruction. Assuming we're average, and that we've been
"advanced" for the last 1000 years, and that we'll destroy
ourselves in the next few decades, we have that there are some
1000 civilizations in the universe capable of abstract thought.
This, too, could be completely in error in either direction.
Since there are over 10-to-the-10th galaxies in the universe, the
above 2 theories differ by over 17 orders of magnitude, presumably
due to the definitions of "life" and "advanced civilization". So
we have absolutely no idea whether the universe is host to just
one civilization, or to trillions of civilizations having an
intelligence enough to understand the question.
If the universe is populated with trillions of thinking, reasoning
civilizations, then one might easily drift into the belief that
an extra-terrestrial venture at this time would serve no purpose
since our one single civilization, just one of many, is unimportant.
On the other hand, the human being of planet earth is basically
adventurous and should not settle for eternal oblivion when the
future holds so much promise of achievement and happiness.
Whether or not other life exists, we should not be satisfied with
merely existing on earth - shackled to a small planet and a mediocre
sun. We inhabitants of earth, especially we Americans,
have the industrial and financial capability to free ourselves of
this troubled and precarious existence.
Now that we have the motivation, all we need to do is to
recognize the priority, roll up our sleeves, and get on with it.
The earth, for the most part, consists of industrious
people capable of enjoying their short lives. These people
deserve, and should demand, a place in the universe far
larger than the planet earth.
The point to be emphasized: Even if the universe abounds
with life, we should still attempt to preserve our form of life
and assert our rightful place. But most importantly, it must
be done now, before it can't be done at all.
However, there's good reason to believe that few, if any,
other intelligent civilizations exist in the universe (see next
section) in which case it becomes even more imperative that
we get on with the colonization of space.
Now about that single instance - that chance combination of
chemicals - it almost certainly happened only once on the
earth's surface in all those billions of years. It was clearly a
very fortuitous event, possibly never duplicated in all the
universe. In labs the world over, many are trying to duplicate
it in very ideal conditions. Scientists are injecting into sealed
containers all sorts of combinations of amino acids; ammonia;
water; gases; heat; sparks; UV, gamma and particle radiation;
- whatever they can conjure up. They've come up with interesting
organics, some simple proteins, but certainly nothing even
closely resembling the most primitive form of monosexual life.
Even when this monosexual life appeared on earth, another
giant step had to be taken: bisexual life had to be created. A
monosexual species, though it undergoes mutation, can improve
its species only at a very slow rate. Mutations must take place
serially, whereas with a bisexual species, mutations in different
members can both be passed on into the offspring. Thus
improvement by mutation and selection can take place in bisexual
species at rates many orders of magnitude faster than in monosexual
species. In order for advanced forms of life to appear on earth,
a bisexual species had to appear. This is no mean task and must
be considered another very fortuitous event in man's creation.
One could make a long list of very improbable mutations
necessary for an intelligent species: hands that grasp, legs that
transport, sight, hearing, speech, etc., plus that one lucky
development in the brain that differentiates us from the apes.
But for that one mutation we could have been spending the next ten
billion years foraging, grooming, and swinging from trees.
Because of the long sequence of beneficial mutations required,
intelligent life may not be as ubiquitous throughout the universe
as most think. If life is so easily created, and so easily develops,
spontaneously, all over the universe, then:
The answer to all these questions is that life just isn't all that
easy to come by, particularly intelligent life. Too many extremely
fortuitous events and conditions all must have taken place,
the likes of which may never have been duplicated in all space
and all time. The fact that there is a complete lack of any
indication of any other intelligent life has led Trinity University's
Dr Michael Hart, using a clever and logical line of reasoning, to
conclude that we are unique - at least in our own galaxy.
(Quart. Jour. Royal Astr. Soc., 1975) He has also shown that most
classes of stars aren't capable of maintaining a luminosity constant
enough, for a period of time long enough, to enable life to develop
to an intelligent level. Even our own sun was barely able to
qualify. If the earth were just 5% closer to the sun, or 1% farther
away, mankind could not have evolved.
"That man is not unique cannot be taken for granted."
Dr Theodosius Dobzhansky - 1973
Genetics and Evolution Authority
Back in 1966, Carl Sagan and I. S. Shklovskii, in their book,
"Intelligent Life in the Universe" concluded that intelligent life
is extremely common - to the tune of many millions of advanced
civilizations just in our galaxy alone! In June 1976 Dr Sagan
predicted that the July 1976 soft landing on Mars of Viking I would
turn up signs of life. A headline went: "Sagan Expects Life to
Loom Large on Mars" (New Scientist, June 17, 1976). Needless
to say, no life was found - despite very sensitive life detection
devices. In fact, since 1976, both authors have considerably
modified their views: Dr Sagan, in one of his 1980 "Cosmos"
TV episodes, set his lower limit to just several intelligent
civilizations in the whole universe - quite a comedown. And Prof.
Shklovskii has done a complete about-face in his 1976 article
(in Russian) entitled: "Possible Uniqueness of Rational Life in
the Universe".
What about SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
Since 1960, millions of dollars have been spent pointing antennas
toward stars listening for meaningful signals. This may have
been justified if only to satisfy our curiosity, especially in the
1960s when it wasn't so obvious that the chances of detecting
intelligent signals were so infinitesimal. Despite a complete
lack of success, there are those who still want to spend 10s of
billions of dollars to probe more deeply into space to find life
that, even if present, would take decades or centuries to converse
with - a time far greater than mankind's life expectancy!
Here are some reasons why SETI should be abandoned:
1. For the reasons given in the last couple of pages, the
possibility of intelligent life in the whole universe is small.
The chance in the tiny volume in the vicinity of earth, just in our
galaxy, is nil. Even among proponents of SETI the question once
asked was "How many nearby civilizations are there?" - Now the
question is, "Are we alone in the universe?"
2. Any rational life would be ill-advised to divulge their
presence and try to communicate with potentially warlike cultures
such as ours. In fact, SETI was originally called CETI ("C" for
Communication) until the logic of this reasoning came to NASA.
3. The great contribution that SETI could make (or so they say)
is that by detecting intelligence we'd know that a civilization can
indeed survive. Not so! A culture could easily destroy itself,
just as we probably will, after sending its signal.
4. SETI's greatest contribution would be in concluding there was
no smart life out there. But proving a negative in the case of
SETI is just about impossible, especially with the billions of
stars in each of the billions of galaxies, the extremely weak
signals, and the millions of possible frequencies. SETI could
go on for centuries. With the earth on the brink of destruction,
the proposed billions for SETI would best be spent on space
colonization and the preservation of our possibly unique life.
"An extensive search for radio messages from other
civilizations is probably a waste of time and money."
Dr Hart, 1975, Prof. of Physics, Trinity Univ.
Even if there will be several different life forms by the time
the universe comes to an end, one of these forms must have
been the first, and it's certain that many pseudo-smart
individuals in that first civilization must have laughed, in their
way, and said how obvious it was that life must exist all over
the universe. Well, they were wrong, were they not? And
maybe it's just possible that the first life form in the universe
happens to be the life on earth. And what we submit is that
this life on earth, particularly human life, might just possibly
be the only life that will develop to our level of thinking, now
or forever.
So how think you now, dear reader? Is there intelligent
life in the universe? In trying to decide, it would be prudent
not to put too much weight on the arguments offered by those
persons whose influence or income are derived from
searching for extraterrestrial intelligence.
The point of all this, of course, is that if man is, and will
be, the only intelligent inhabitant of the universe, then it
becomes of the utmost importance to set up a backup,
self-sufficient colony as soon as possible so as to insure the
existence of the incomprehensible number of fine persons
that are yet to be born.
Thus a space colony results in 2 more benefits:
(1) the probability of an atomic war is decreased, and
(2) if there is a war, the probability is greater that human life
will survive.
Yes, the Russians could try to destroy our colony, but the
questionable rationale and complicated logistics of such a pointless
act of war would need further study. The best solution to
this dilemma might be to construct a double space colony, the
two halves being dependent upon each other for mechanical balance
and stability, one half built and populated by the west and
the other half by the east. Such a configuration has in fact been
designed: It consists of two parallel contra-rotating cylinders,
connected side by side, each about 4 miles in diameter and 20
miles long. The destruction of one cylinder would soon mean the
end of the other, along with its thousands of inhabitants. Such an
arrangement just might spell peace and save our civilization.
And finally, the U.S. is moving aimlessly - no national goal.
Our moon landing was merely a victory that hasn't been followed
up, a victory in name only. A commitment toward space colonization
will put spirit back into America. People will once again
be proud to be patriotic Americans. Any further benefits to our
technology, our economy, unemployment, the energy shortage,
etc., are bonuses of incalculable value, not to mention the
preservation of the human race.
A number of different configurations have been proposed for the
colony. Preliminary estimates indicate costs would only be
several hundred billion dollars spread over two decades or so.
Remember that this money would be spent here in the United
States where we would benefit in the many ways previously listed.
After such a venture, the U.S. would undoubtedly find itself
in a powerful economic, technical, and political position, well
worth the expenditure of just a small fraction of one year's GNP.
And to achieve all this, there'll be no need to fight a war. In fact,
a disastrous war may well be prevented and our civilization rescued.
Yes, we Americans can construct a space colony - but will
we, will anyone, do it in time ?
** For more information on space colonies, refer to:
"The High Frontier" by Gerard K O'Neill, 1978,
Bantam, ($2.95)
"Colonies in Space" by T A Heppenheimer, 1977,
Warner Books, ($2.50)
"Space Settlements - A Design Study" - NASA, 1977,
U. S. Gov't Printing Office ($5.00)
As mentioned in the introduction, billions of years from now
space colonization could well be seen as the best investment in
all history. This statement isn't made lightly. It's only necessary
to take a far-sighted view of what's at stake - the choice may just
be between, (1) an advanced civilization, happily residing throughout
the universe for tens of billions of years, or, (2) no intelligent
life, anywhere, anytime, starting in the 20th or 21st century! The
choice for space colonization, then, is clear. What, after all,
could possibly be more important than preventing the demise of
possibly the universe's only intelligent life?
"Of all the wonders of the universe, the greatest is man."
Aristotle - c. 375 B.C.
Remember the young lady who put all her eggs in one basket -
and lost them all? Mankind must not make the same fatal error.
At stake is an incomprehensible number of human lives, as yet unborn.
He has published articles on the theoretical limits of optical
devices (Jour. Optical Soc. America, Nov 1964, Aug 1967) and his book,
"The Miracle of Vitamin C", has sold over 30,000 copies.
For 3 years he traveled in more than 50 countries in an attempt to
understand man, his mind, and his endeavors, and has discussed
hundreds of topics with thousands of very different people.
Despite this very active and diversified background, Mr. Falconi
considers this dissertation on space coloninization to be, by far, his
most important work; and it is his greatest desire that it will play
some small part in helping man survive.
- and why it should be our generation's #1 priority.
Copyr. 1975,1977,1981
Wholesale Nutrition
P.O. Box 3345
Saratoga, CA 95070
Fax: 408 867 6236
All Rights Reserved
3 Introduction
4 Causes of Man's Extinction
5 Epidemics and Genetic Manipulation
6 Vaccines
7 Runaway Pollution
8 Modern Living
10 Advanced Experiments
11 World War III
13 Partial List of Causes of Man's Extinction
14 Reasons for Space Colonization
15 If Life Abounds, Why Bother?
16 The Case Against a Universe Replete with Intelligent Life
18 More Benefits of Colonization
19 Partial List of Reasons for Colonization
20 The O'Neill Space Colonies
20 The Space Colony - Can We Do It?
21 A Few Questions
21 Wrap-Up
22 The Fatal Error