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Confer Metals
Denver, CO.
Formerly at
1164 Willow St.
Sunnyvale, California,
Lost our Lease
MOVED to Denver CO
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Specializing in scrap metals and used research and test
equipment. (Partial list below.)

Current inventory includes:
(All items used unless otherwise noted.)
| Computers on the Half Shell
- Computers - PC, UNIX, Apple-II, Mac, Wang, ATT, and others
- Computer chips, memory, and boards of all kinds
- 486 DX20 low power CPU chips - $15 or best offer. Limited qty
- AMP brand 125Mb/sec 1300nm Fiber Optic transmitter/receiver pairs,
AMP part number 501713-1, asking $20 obo, limited qty.
- Some memory chips and sims -- call first
- CRT's - Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA, and Sun/UNIX
- VGA CRT's - $75
- Printers - Parallel, Serial, and HPIB
- Printers - Epson, Okidata, HP-ThinkJet, Apple, others
- Floppy and Hard Drives
- Computer Cables, including RGB - VGA cables, LAN cables
- Terminal Equipment and CRT's
Components, Assemblies, and PC Boards
- Gallium Arsinide FETs - MGF 1302
- New, Not Even Opened!
- Stable at 400 - 600 Mhz
- Tray of 25 -- $15.
- Box of 250 -- $100.00
- CPU's of various kinds
- Memory chips and sims (Call first)
- "Glue Logic" chips, some in tubes, others on boards
- Misc IC's of various kinds, some new in tubes
- Power Supplies - Adjustable, Fixed, and Computer
- Variacs
Other Miscellany
- Oscilloscopes
- Eprom Programmers
- Other "Stuff"!!!

All items subject to prior sale.
We sometimes have used lasers. Here's some neat experiments
someone did with
lasers and steam.
Stuff you missed includes HPLC gas chromatographs, vacuum sputtering
guns, microscopic inspection equipment, night vision components,
radar dishes, spectral photometers, and stuff we just don't know how to
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Even Herr Professor visits us -- Regularly!
* * * FORMERLY * * *
Open 10 - 5pm daily, 10 - 2 Saturdays.
Authorized California Redemption Center
Was: 408-243-8999 Sunnyvale, California
New: 303-777-9244 Denver, Colorado
We WERE in Sunnyvale, California.
Now we've MOVED to Denver Colorado! Call us
at 303-777-9244
Join the Surplus Mailing List: Subscriptions