NASA engineers recently tried a new product that eliminates the need to learn, remember, and retype those dozens of commands found in thick computer manuals. The product, TabTalk, uses three keys to access and invoke all routine computer functions and commands. And unlike mouse and icon based systems, you do not need to know where the next command is on the screen. You don't even need to know what a command looks like! What is more, the system even remembers the way you work.
"That's exactly what I need!" exclaimed one engineer when he realized how TabTalk could simplify his work. The engineers were so impressed with this system, that they obtained a site license covering EVERY computer NASA owns!
In contrast, TabTalk remembers everything you type, commands, as well as explanations, telephone numbers, graphics, even full length business letters. TabTalk lets you get at these commands, and the screens they are saved on, using just three keys, TAB, ENTER, and ESCAPE. How?
TabTalk remembers your commands and your screens, linking them to reflect the way you use your computer.
When you tap the TAB key, the computer scans the screen to see what the next command is, skipping over all of the explanations and general text. If you wish to use that command, simply tap the ENTER key. You can also TAB to another command, or type new commands anywhere on the screen. Since the system saves each screen, you don't have remember your commands. You don't even need to remember the names of your screens. That's why users say "It remembers the way I work!"
TabTalk is simple. There are no complicated commands, no macro keys to program and forget, no funny little pictures to identify, and no dangling mice to fidget with. Everything is done in plain text on the screen where you can see and understand it -- and even annotate it if you wish. When you TAB to the next command, TabTalk even tells you what type of command it is. There are a few other keys but the two keys, TAB and ENTER, are the essence of it. What is amazing, is what can be done with that simplicity.
Users say "You don't have to think about it. It's easier than driving a car!" "The most flexible ad hock data base I've ever seen!" "totally open ended," and "it's mine!" Other descriptions range from artificial intelligence to practical intelligence, all echoing early reactions to the personal freedoms provided by the computer revolution.
"It really is simpler to use than a Macintosh", says Lee Lemaire, a computer retailer, "Perhaps a few hundred thousand people really know how to use their computers today. With the simplicity of TabTalk, that number should be in the high tens of millions. and that should re-vitalize the computer market." Other users say TabTalk technology makes you "artificially intelligent", by turning your computer into a knowledge structure that remembers the way you work. It becomes a system of instant invention, giving you instant access to the volumes of information on computers, and even video disk systems. "Practical Intelligence"!5
Several doctors have used this rapid access capability to link large numbers of files into diagnostic decision tree systems, knowledge bases, appointment books and patient tracking systems -- Systems simple enough for a secretary, or even a temp., to operate with under five minutes of help. Dr. Conrad, a general practitioner, said "I can run my whole office from this appointment `book`." "We love it!" says Dr. Bernbach, a podiatrist. Retailer Lee Lemaire believes that TabTalk technology "provides an opportunity for experts and consultants to package and sell their expertise in a format that virtually anyone can use. This is practical intelligence!"
What are those keys? +---------------------------------------+ | TAB "Find & identify next command" | | ENTER "Perform Command" | | ESC "Return to previous file" | | F1 "Help / Instant file menu" | +---------------------------------------+ Three keys run all the common commands
This is the first key to TabTalk's amazing flexibility. You "talk" to the computer using the TAB key. Because the computer can find the next command, you can use the built-in word processor to add notes, explanations and general text to the screens without confusing the computer. Or type additional commands without confusing yourself!
ENTER causes the computer to perform the command that the cursor is on. If the cursor is not on a command, the ENTER key functions as an ordinary carriage return key. If the command involves leaving that screen, the screen will be saved for you. It's automatic, so you don't have to remember how or when to save your screens.Typical Command Symbols +-----------------------------------+ | ->file Display or create file | | X->file Erase file | | A>prog Run program | | ->* A>* List files & programs | | T>123456 Dial telephone number | +-----------------------------------+ Command Symbols are "textual icons" They work in any file.
ESC always brings you back to the previous screen, saving the file if needed. You can't get lost -- you always have a way back with the ESCape key.
This is what makes large scale knowledge structures practical. Thanks to the ESCape key, you can browse information screens, think about what you have seen, then "Escape" back many levels, explore other avenues -- all without having to burden yourself remembering file names. These information screens, actually independent text files, can be linked over 80 levels deep, more than adequate for very deep decision support systems and knowledge bases. The IBM PC version can link and handle over 90,000 files. More than can fit on most computer systems.
A fourth key, the F1 key, displays a historical outline of the files you have been viewing, This is the same outline used by the ESCape key. It not only gives you an instant perspective of the way you use your files, it also serves as a shortcut menu to any recently referenced file.
The Beauty Lies in Interconnection +--------------------------------------+ | +------------+ +-------------+ | | |File: ->Fred|+----->| File: ->Joe | | | |------------|| +--------------+-| | | | ->Joe ---|++->| File: ->Harry| | | | | Fred knows | | |--------------| | | | | Joe & Harry| | | T>283-4232 | | | | | ->Harry --|-+ | Type |-+ | | | A>Tymphany | | ->*.* | | | +------------+ +--------------+ | +--------------------------------------+ Files are connected by "textual icons" that anyone can type -- in any file. It can draw line graphics too!
The beauty, and the power, of the system lies in the way it links all of the files and programs together, remembering the way they are used. Once you type a file name, it stays on the screen, linking it to the next file. If the named file does not exist, a new one is created for you, and will be saved if you type on it.
You can type anything you wish on that file. A business letter, a series of DOS commands, telephone numbers, more file names, a line diagram, anything and everything. The built-in word processor makes it easy!
When you tap the TAB key, the computer will advance the cursor to the next thing it understands, skipping over your text, and tell you what that "thing" is. Tap the ENTER key to do it, or TAB to the next command. Your text file acts as an instant menu of commands, telephone numbers, file names. Yet it's still a text file.
Done? Simply tap the ESC key. Everything will be saved for you, and the previous file will be returned to the screen. You never have to remember that file name -- TabTalk saved it for you!
The next time you wish to see that file, simply TAB to that file name and tap ENTER. The file will be on your screen in seconds. No more DIR -- TYPE blues!
These file name "links" act as an access structure, a knowledge structure, that "knows" the way you work. You no longer need to remember file names or commands. Yet you are free to add new commands or change old ones simply by typing over them. The system no longer forgets the commands you've typed.
This simple, rapid "TAB-ENTER-ESC" access technology not only lets you organize your files the way they make sense to you, it finally makes it practical to link large quantities of information into sophisticated multi-path decision trees -- knowledge structures -- that anyone can use to find information fast! Each screen can link to other screens, suggesting alternatives and letting you decide where to go, what to do. Applications range from the more prosaic appointment books, client tracking systems, and interactive stories; to comprehensive encyclopedias and sophisticated medical diagnostic systems. It can open new markets for practical knowledge bases anyone can use! "It's so simple, it's natural. You don't have to think about it. It's easier than driving a car!" Says Andrew Butkevicius, a telecommunications executive at Times Fiber.
Vertical market developers will find TabTalk lets them create custom menus for their clients so easily, that it can almost be done while discussing the client's needs. These menus can be locked to prevent the client form altering them, or can serve as a starting point to let the client elaborate and truly customize his own system. Help screens can contain the developer's advertising and other information to encourage the client to use the developer's services. It's far more effective than giving away key chains\ and flashlights!
Consultants in many fields will find the ease of creating and linking files enables them to sell their expertise in the form of decision trees that virtually anyone can use. Once again, help screens can contain information that encourages further client- consultant contacts. And the system is flexible enough to permit additional screens to be added on an ad hoc basis as needed.
"Programmers and systems developers, once they get over the initial shock finding such simplicity seems to cause, find the ability to link and files highly useful.
Software General programmers use TabTalk to track and maintain many hundreds of program source files. Linking subroutine source files the way they are called by the program, creates an access structure that lets programmers view and edit source code of large programs far more rapidly than they could than if the sources were printed. "By the time it use to take me to find a subroutine in a two inch thick printout I was already very familiar with, TabTalk has not only let me view and modify that subroutine -- but also let me view all of the routines using it!" TabTalk lets you create access structures that make navigating large program sources a breeze! Just TAB and ENTER!
"And the graphics facility lets me draw lines and boxes with any character so I can draw mini-flowcharts right in the code!"
But TabTalk technology really shines as a thought processor. It is so powerful, that it's been called "a system of instant invention." TABTALK lets you link related files, -- related thoughts, together. You can list your ideas in perspective, prioritize and sort them. Then just TAB to the specifics as you need more detailed information.
Ideas seldom fall into a nice neat outline, they are often made up of bits and pieces of other ideas and thoughts. TabTalk lets you network each thought to to many ideas, and many ideas to any thought. That way, you never loose any of your ideas. Your entire computer system becomes a knowledge structure reflecting the way you think and work. And that makes the computer much easier to use -- you not only don't have to remember how to use it, but you can use it quickly and easily. In fact, the system is so easy to use that it becomes invisible. You forget that you are using a computer at all. All of the information and commands you need seem to appear on the screen as if by magic. Or with a few TABs and ENTERs.
I'm sure you want to experience the ease Mnemonomics can bring to your life today. Try this new technology on us, free, for ten days. Call us at 203-283-4232 today. We accept Mastercard and Visa. IF you don't think this is something else, send it back within ten days and we'll gladly refund your $49.95.
Call us today, and we'll even include a demonstration version you can pass on to your friends and co-workers. Show them you know what the latest buzzword is all about. Join the Mnemonomics Revolution today!
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