Web Gripes I've been going out and looking at a lot of web pages to see what other people do. What I keep finding, is that people have used the color settings on the BODY tag, and not set all the colors, so that it is often IMPOSSIBLE to read what they have written! (Well, partly my fault -- I use a dark background and light letters on my brouwser as it helps my eyeballs last longer on the CRT. see CRT Pain)

If you specify the background image or text colors, Set them all. I mean, you wouldn't want a potential client to stumble across an unreadable page of yours, now would you? Not all browsers show background images. Nor tables.

Tag     Optional Parameters          Explanation

In many cases you really don't need to set the background colors at all if you have other art work. You can also do a rather nice job just setting the colors and not bothering with a background image.

I also gripe about these fantastic pages that have one IMMENSE graphic which says nothing, blocks access to the text of the page, and when you Finally see what is there, you have no clue as to what the organization is all about from that or the next three pages! CONTENT, folks, CONTENT!

Unlike the magazines, your viewer will not turn the page if you don't tell him what he is looking at or why he should follow that link

What are people looking for on the web? Find out!

What are people looking for on the web? Find out!



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